A Few Facts About Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver is tasteless, odorless, and won’t upset the stomach. There are no known side effects whatsoever in animals or humans. It contains no free radicals, as the silver acts as a catalyst and is stabilized.
This is prepared using pure (99.999 %) silver in a monatomic form, held in suspension, in pure steam-distilled water, by the tiny electric charge on each atom.
The Association for Colloidal Research has reported that:
“Medical Journal Reports and documented studies spanning 100 years, indicate no known side effects from properly manufactured colloidal silver in animal or human testing. There has never been a reported reaction with colloidal silver and any prescription medication…”
According to the FDA no side effects have been reported from colloidal silver as of October 1999, as evidenced by the following correspondence:
October 14, 1999
Food and Drug Administration
U.S. Department Of Health and Human Services
Public Health Service
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857Dear Sirs/Madam,
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and in regard your August 17th, 1999 ruling regarding colloidal silver, could you please supply the following documentation on which you based your decision?
1. The number of deaths related to the consumption of colloidal silver.
2. The number of allergic reactions to the consumption of colloidal silver.
3. The number of harmful drug interactions from both OTC and prescription drugs when combined with colloidal silver.
4. The number of reported cases of Argyria from colloidal silver made with the AC or DC electrical process.
5. The number of cases of Argyria from colloidal silver that did not contain protein stabilizers.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this request.
Brent Finnegan
The FDA response:
Public Health Service
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Office of Training and Communication
Freedom of Information Staff HFD-205
5600 Fishers Lane 12 B 05
Rockville, Maryland 20857
November 3, 1999
In Response Refer to File: F99-22589
Brent Finnigan Takoma (sic), WA 98408
Dear Mr. Finnigan:
This is in response to your request of 10/14/99, in which you requested adverse events associated with the use of Colloidal Silver. Your request was received in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research on 10/25/99. We have searched the records from FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) and have been unable to locate any cases that would be responsive to your request.
Charges of $3.50 (Search $3.50, Review $0, Reproduction $0, Computer time $0) will be included in a monthly invoice.
If there are any problems with this response, please notify us in writing of your specific problem(s).
Please reference the above file number.
Hal Stepper
Freedom of Information Technician
Office of Training and Communications
Freedom of Information Staff, HFD-205
Herxheimer Effect
The only effect reported by some colloidal silver users is a phenomenon called the “Herxheimer effect”, named after doctor Karl Herxheimer (who identified this phenomenon).
Sometimes, when taking colloidal silver for the first time, some people may experience symptoms like a mild headache, cold, or the flu.
The user may experience mild diarrhea, as the body tries to flush itself out. In that case, one merely needs to reduce the serving size or completely abstain for a day or so. Once the body has been completely cleansed, these symptoms will not reappear.
Argyria is the graying of the skin. Colloidal silver can be produced either chemically or electrically. Argyria is a result of ingesting high doses of CHEMICALLY produced colloidal silver. There has never been a case of Argyria caused by ELECTRICALLY produced colloidal silver.
Please be absolutely clear about this, electrically produced silver colloid DOES NOT cause Argyria. In fact, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have been taking ELECTRICALLY produced colloidal silver for decades. The concern is with silver salts, NOT colloidal silver.
Chemically Produced Colloidal Silver
Chemically produced colloidal silver causes Argyria. Colloidal silver was widely used in the early 1900’s. Scientists at the time discovered that if they CHEMICALLY COMBINED the silver colloid with a protein, it would not only be better digested, they could produce it in greater concentration.
This led to silver nitrate and silver salts. Before the early 1900’s there had never been any negative side effects with ingesting silver, so testing the toxicity was not a big concern. But before the toxicity was tested, doctors at the time had already begun to use it on their patients.
As we know now, silver nitrate and other silver salts were toxic in high doses. It caused Argyria, cosmetic bluing or graying of the skin produced by a build-up of un-dissolved silver particles in the tissues.
Electrically Produced Colloidal Silver
Electrically produced colloidal silver is completely safe and non-toxic. There has never been a single case of argyria caused by an electrically produced silver colloid. It has been consumed by humans for years without any negative side effects. IT IS SAFE, NON-TOXIC, AND EFFECTIVE.
EPA and CDC Conclusion
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Poison Control Center reports no toxicity listing for Colloidal Silver; it is therefore considered harmless. Dr. Samuel Etris, a senior consultant at The Silver Institute, stated that there has never been any allergenic, toxic or carcinogenic reactions to colloidal silver. The U.S. Government’s Center for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed that fact in 1995.
However, all of the silver salts are identified as toxic, although the only adverse effect noted is Argyria. Therefore, the concern is with silver salts NOT colloidal silver.
In the case of an improperly prepared silver colloid, even though produced by electrolysis, compounds may be produced such as silver oxide, silver chloride, silver nitrate, etc., which have been recorded as having side effects that are detrimental to health.
Colloidal silver should not be used along with intravenous EDTA chelation, as silver is a metal and EDTA works by absorbing and removing metals from the blood. For this reason, the two work in opposition to each other.
Colloidal silver is non-toxic, non-addictive, and has no side effects UNLESS you are allergic to silver (see red box below). The body develops no tolerance to colloidal silver and one cannot overdose.
If you are allergic to silver, do NOT use Colloidal Silver. If your skin reacts to silver when you wear silver jewelry, such as breaking out in a rash, you are most likely allergic to silver.

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